
Culhane Scholarship Brings More Firefighters to Arlington

Here in Arlington, we are fortunate to have our very own team of superheroes to count on: the Arlington Fire Department. They protect us, our possessions, our homes and our community from destructive fires. Being a firefighter is both a noble and a dangerous profession, and many strive to do it as well as Lieutenant David Culhane.

David Culhane was a Lieutenant in the Arlington Fire Department. His 38 years of service were a gold standard in dedication, teamwork and humility. Well known for his leadership and wit, Culhane’s commitment to the job served as a perfect example of how to make a real difference in our community. Having earned many awards and commendations for exemplary service and saving lives, Culhane preferred to applaud his team for the hard work and excellent service they performed. A humble and highly admired leader and officer, Culhane’s dedication has and continues to inspire generations of firefighters.

Lieutenant David Culhane sadly lost his battle with cancer last July. In order to honor Arlington’s longest-serving firefighter’s love for serving the community and helping future generations, a new scholarship has been established at Tarrant County College Fire Service Training Center.

The idea of the David Culhane Memorial Scholarship for Future Firefighters came from Deidre Culhane, David’s wife. Deidre says that she wants her husband’s love for service to transcend, living on through future generations of firefighters. The Arlington Fire Department encourages the community to help support the scholarship by donating; the aim is to raise a minimum of $30,000.

Fire Chief Don Crowson shares that the scholarship aims to provide proper preparation,
education, and training to future firefighters. He wants to see them serve with the same
leadership and dedication as Culhane. The scholarship is meant to honor the great confidence and passion that Culhane brought to his service.

Deidre shares that 15 unsponsored candidates register to become firefighters at the TrainingCenter each year. These candidates dream of becoming firefighters, but the training can be more than daunting. It can be especially difficult to complete the 14-week daytime training course while working a full-time job. The scholarship intends to help take some of the burden off of candidates as well as their families.

Donations toward the Culhane Scholarship can be made on the website by selecting the “please enter name of scholarship or program in the comment box below” option of the drop-down menu next to Gift Designation, then entering “David Culhane Memorial Scholarship” in the comment. Checks can be made out to the TCC Foundation at 1500 Houston St., Fort Worth, TX 76102 with a note “to David Culhane Memorial Scholarship” in the memo.

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Kitan Lawson
Kitan Lawson is a Front End Developer and an Information Systems graduate from the University of Texas at Arlington. He is a fitness enthusiast and loves playing sports but most of all he loves meeting new people and learning new things.