
Where to Find Girl Scout Cookies in Arlington, Texas

Is anyone craving to eat something sweet? Traditional Shortbread cookies? Hyped up for Thin Mints? Perhaps, try the new Toast-Yay cookies? Good news, the Girl Scout cookies are back! 

With the pandemic, it is more critical than ever for Arlington residents to support our local Girl Scouts. Some corporations which previously allowed Girl Scouts tabling opted out this year while other locations requested for the girls to leave in order to enforce maximum capacity limits. It was challenging to find a location for a cookie booth this year. 

Girl Scouts depend on their cookie sales to raise funds for the year. The proceeds go to the local fund of the troop’s choice. When you purchase local Girl Scout cookies, you are contributing to empowering Arlington’s next generation of business leaders through the Girl Scout Cookie program. Any purchase of these baked goods can keep the entrepreneurial spirit alive. 

The Girl Scout Cookies program allows Scouts to gain 5 essential skills: goal-setting, decision making, money management, people skills, and business ethics. With the online ordering system set in place, they are gaining exposure to digital e-commerce. Did you know that Girl Scout Cookies is the world’s largest girl-run entrepreneurial program in the world?

Girl Scouts are adapting to the changing business atmosphere in safe and creative ways. Instead of selling door-to-door to potential customers, they are putting door hangers with information on how to place an order electronically to reduce interactions with people. Customers are encouraged to use electronic payment methods. 

[ Girl Scout Cookie Door Hangers. Photograph by Troop Leader 3518 Leanne Haynes via Facebook ]

Here’s how you can support local Girl Scouts and help them reach their goal: 

Ask for virtual booth link from a Girl Scout 

Not comfortable with leaving the house? You can order online from the comfort of your home. Girl Scouts set up their virtual cookie booth, which is an online ordering system used to sell their cookies. Depending on the troop, you can request contactless delivery. If you know a Girl Scout, ask her for a Digital Cookie site link to purchase from her online. 

It is a good idea to share those links with your friends, family, and acquaintances. Simple word-of-mouth can make a huge difference this year. 

Attend Drive-Thru Cookie Booth

The Council of Girl Scouts of Texas Oklahoma Plains suggested putting up drive-thru events as another option to sell cookies. Troops attempt to move forward with this idea. 

On Sunday January 31, Girl Scout Troop 3518 put up a drive-thru cookie booth event as advertised on Facebook. The COVID protocols are in place.

“Customers loved the drive-thru concept. Multiple people told the girls how nice and convenient this is,” Leanne Haynes, the Troop Leader 3518 shared. 

 [Girl scouts giving cookie box to customer at drive-thru cookie booth. Photography by Troop  Leader 3518 Leanna Hayes via Facebook]

Stop by the cookie booth (Maintain social distance and wear masks!) 

Examples of local area where you may find the cookie booth: 

  • Kroger 
  • Tom Thumb 
  • Lowe’s 
  • 7/11 

To explore booth stops closest to you, you can use your zip code to find your local Girl Scout cookie booth. These provided both location, date, and time. Enter your zip code in the ‘Find Cookies’ feature on the official website.   

Disclaimer: Even if listed on an official website, individual location management have the rights to refuse Girl Scouts from tabling and thus, may not be present. 

The Girl Scouts program prepared a COVID-19 safety checklist for their Girl Scouts to practice necessary precaution for both the sellers and customers. Here’s how sellers are going to sell safely at their cookie booth: 

Girl Scout Cookie sellers’ COVID-19 safety protocol for in-person cookie booth: 

  • Follow COVID-19 guidelines in their state
  • Wear mask covering both nose and mouth at all times
  • Hand sanitizers and sanitizing wipes must be visible at the table. Must sanitize their table frequently
  • Limit to 1-5 girl scouts per booth (Stricter limitation may be imposed by location booth management) 
  • Comply to additional safety requirements from location booth management

If you have any allergies, you can check for the cookie ingredient information.  

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Zihan Hossain
Zihan was born in Bangladesh but grew up in Arlington. She graduated from the UTA with a BBA in Management and was part of Goolsby Leadership Academy. She has a strong appreciation for art and fashion. During her free time, she likes to try new restaurants, read books, watch Korean dramas, and hang out with friends.