Plan sober rides this spring break in Arlington

Spring Break is here, and historically, it’s one of the most dangerous seasons on the roads of Texas since many celebrations cause intoxication, and where designated drivers aren’t coordinated the number of auto accidents spike every year.

Because of this, the Texas Department of Transportation is spreading the new campaign called “Plan While You Can” to prevent car accidents in the upcoming weeks as families and young adults head to spring break destinations.

With this campaign, the Department of Transportation aims to urge everyone with plans to travel or celebrate to plan a sober driving plan before the fun times even start.

The Executive Director of TxDOT, James Bass, stated, “Drinking alcohol and driving can
severely impact a young person’s future. Many promising lives are cut short due to the poor decision to drink alcohol and drive. We urge young drivers to make responsible choices during the Spring Break holiday. Before heading out, please plan ahead for a sober ride to ensure you get to and from your destination safely.

Last year over spring break, 444 crashes occurred in Texas, many of which involved young
people driving under the influence of alcohol. In those crashes, 11 people lost their lives and 37 people were left seriously injured.

The campaign is a proactive effort of the State DOT and will be a part of a tour across all 50 states that will feature the “Plan to Win” virtual reality game. In this game, participants will have the chance to answer trivia questions related to drinking and driving. If players answer the questions correctly, they avoid going to jail in the game, and those that win will wait for a taxi to take them home after the game, which demonstrates the point at the heart of the campaign.

This experience will be available to drivers from 10 Texas cities during the month of March. For anyone interested in being safe over break, visit or make your own plans such as having a designated driver or calling an Uber or Lyft when you planning to drink. The DOT reminds residents that catching a cab or public transport or spending the night somewhere is always an option, too.

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David Hoang
David is a vocal advocate in the local Vietnamese Community. He strives to promote culture and preserving traditions. Over the years David has gained strong volunteer experience and community involvement. In his free time he enjoys learning about history or keeping up with the latest in tech.